Photomatix Pro Capture One

A popular software tool to create HDR images, Photomatix Pro, has now a Capture One plugin!
This plugin allows you to merge several files in Capture One into a single HDR image.

The plugin comes with Photomatix Pro 6.2, which is currently in an open beta-test stage, and you can download it and test it for free. It’s compatible with Windows and Mac versions of Capture One 12 and 20.

Photomatix Pro costs $99 and is a standalone programs running on Windows and Mac. The HDR Batch Plugin costs $49 and runs in Adobe Lightroom. Photomatix Real Estate Camera runs on iPhone. Its in-app purchase option costs $9.99.

Photomatix Pro Capture One
  • The Photomatix Pro download also includes a plugin for Capture One. If Capture One is installed on your computer, the installer will also install the plugin that lets you use Photomatix Pro from Capture One. For more information and a video tutorial, see the Merge to HDR Plugin for Capture One page.
  • Lightroom has a relatively good HDR option built within that means no need for using external programs. Capture One, as of 20, doesn't have this. For those of you out there that opt for HDR or exposuire blending images, what is your preferred way of doing this with Capture One? I'm looking for external programs.
  • HDRsoft, makers of Photomatix software that popularized High Dynamic Range (HDR) photo editing, have updated their Photomatix Pro software to include a plugin for Capture One that merges bracketed images to HDR. The new plugin enables Capture One users to merge images taken with different exposures without leaving their Catalog or Session.
  • Video demo of the new Photomatix Capture One Plug-in. Once you install the plug-in, the operation is pretty simple. You select the images you want to merge in Capture One, and then from the Image menu (or the contextual menu) choose Edit With Merge to HDR with Photomatix Pro. Doing this will send your selected images to Photomatix.

Best of all, the current beta version (beta 4) adds no watermarks to your images, unlike the regular trial mode of Photomatix, which has this restriction. Still, don’t forget that beta versions always contain a number of bugs and are not intended for production use.
To use Photomatix Pro Plugin for Capture One, just download and install the beta of Photomatix Pro 6.2. It adds Capture One plugin automatically, but don’t forget to restart the software.


To create HDR, select two or more files in Capture One, right-click on them, choose Edit With and then Merge to HDR with Photomatix Pro.

In the new window, select the file format (I recommend choosing TIFF) and click “Edit variants” to export your images into Photomatix Pro.
Now, you’ll need to go through several steps of choosing HDR merge adjustments for your image. The variability of HDR settings is a bit confusing, but this is what allows you to get an HDR look you wish

After finishing the merging, you can easily reimport a new file into Capture One to make some additional adjustments to the image.

Photomatix Pro developers are now actively looking for bugs in the beta version of the Capture One plugin. They offer a complimentary license for anyone sending them helpful reports or feedback on the Capture One plugin beta!

Also, if you would wish to purchase Photomatix Pro license, you can get a 15% discount using this code: ALEXONRAW

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